kitchen tile stickers grey


How do you apply wall kitchen tile stickers grey ? 

Tile stickers are very easy to apply to your walls, anyone can do it! Before applying kitchen tile stickers grey, you need to ensure that you properly clean the original tiles where you will be sticking your new stickers too. If these aren’t clean, then the stickers won’t stick properly and won’t look as good.


To clean the tiles, you need to:

  1. Tackle the grout first as they are likely to be dirtier than the tiles themselves. The best way to clean grout is with a small brush, perhaps an old toothbrush that can get into the small grooves and use a surface cleaner.
  2. Wash the surface and grout lines with a strong grease remover and wait for it to dry. It is important that it is dry before you apply any of the stickers to at as if wet, the stickers might not stick properly.

How to apply the kitchen tile stickers grey

After the tiles have been properly cleaned and are now dry, you should measure your tiles, so that you know how big your stickers need to be to properly cover the tile. If your tiles are smaller than the stickers, then you can easily mark the sticker and cut them with household scissors, so that they are now the correct size.

Now align the stickers to the tiles, starting with the top of the sticker to the top of the tile and then push downwards with the cloth to help the rest of the tile sticker stick. Use a hard surface such as a credit card to ensure that there are no bubbles left under the sticker. And that is it, it’s that easy to stick on these tile stickers! kitchen tile stickers grey